
What Does a Typical Client of Our MBDA Look Like?
  • MBE clients have annual revenues over $1MM
  • MBEs tend to be in high growth industries (e.g. health care, green technology, clean energy among others)
  • MBEs that have scalable businesses and require assistance with Access to Contracts, Access to Capital, Strategic Advisory services and Global Market opportunities
How the MBDA Centers Help MBEs Grow

Access to Contracts

Access to Capital & Finance Management

Access to Markets

Access to Global Business Development

Access to Strategic Business Consulting

Financial Impact of the 44 MBDA Business Centers

In Fiscal Year 2014, the 44 MBDA Business Centers, including the Centers operated by the GNEMSDC helped MBEs of the Centers obtain:

$4.8 Billion
in Contracts
$2.1 Billion
in Capital

The ability to reach the financial milestones above:

  • Represents the collaborative efforts between each Center
  • Provides the roadmap for future efforts to “scale” MBEs
  • Encourages sharing MBE profiles for Procurement opportunities